The Brazilian Public Policies for Rd & I in the Brazilian Electrical System (SEB), in Light of the Commitments of the Agenda 2030


  • Gilmar dos Santos Marques
  • Maria Amélia de Paula Dias
  • João Nildo de Souza Vianna


public innovation policies, Brazilian electric sector, RD&I, Agenda 2030


The purpose of this article is to analyze whether the Brazilian public policies (PP), materialized in the innovation program (RD&I) of the SEB through the R&DP and EEP, contribute or not to the Brazilian government's fulfillment of the commitments made with Agenda 2030 and the NDC goals, together with the Paris Agreement, concerning SDG 7.The methodological procedures adopted were bibliographic and documental research, involving the legislation that guides the RD&I regulated by ANEEL, as well as the analysis of 30 R&DP projects and 1,026 EEP projects. The R&DP has proven not to be aligned with the goals of Agenda 2030, especially with regard to the development of a culture of innovation in the SEB, besides being disconnected from the rest of the world in terms of the type and model adopted for innovation, patent generation, and continuous improvement.It showed improvement only in the profile of human resources used in the program. The EEP presented results aligned with Agenda 2030 and SDG 7 and Brazil's NDC, through the following indicators: i) investment avoided in energy generation; ii) energy saved; iii) demand withdrawn from the peak; iv) energy conserved.In addition, there are results in line with SDG 9 and 13 such as an increase in the supply of renewable energy and reduction of CO2e emissions in the system. The R&DP and the EEP together contribute R$ 1.1 billion per year in innovation in the SEB, making an expected value of around R$ 12.1 billion from 2020 to 2030.







How to Cite

Marques, G. dos S., Dias, M. A. de P., & Vianna, J. N. de S. (2021). The Brazilian Public Policies for Rd & I in the Brazilian Electrical System (SEB), in Light of the Commitments of the Agenda 2030. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).