Survey on Publications that Discuss added Value in Family Farming


  • Ana Paula de Lima da Silva
  • Geysler Rogis Flor Bertolini


Horticulture, Short supply chains, Agriculture industrialization, Organic production, certification


It is known that family farming, besides being responsible for a large part of the food products put on the Brazilian table, is the source of survival for many families. Thus, to value the family farmer is to enable this value chain to be continued and to grow. This paper aimed to survey the publications that discuss added value in family farming. To this end, exploratory research of a qualitative nature was used. The research sought articles in the Web of Science indexing bases, SCOPUS, SCIELO, SPELL, in addition to the CAPES Publications Portal. The journals Horticultura Brasileira and Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura were also searched. The results pointed out that the articles discussed 10 variables of value addition, and short circuits, organic production, and agriculture industrialization were the most used. However, it was realized that there are several other ways that rural family farmers can use to add value to their products and thus be better remunerated. Therefore, a research gap was found, since, besides the existence of other adding variables, rural producers must consider the extremely fluid context in which they are inserted.







How to Cite

Silva, A. P. de L. da, & Bertolini, G. R. F. (2021). Survey on Publications that Discuss added Value in Family Farming. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).