Identification of Driver Specific Parameters Using Real-Time Testing


  • Lalit Pankaj Grover


ODE- Ordinary differential equation, S- Laplace domain, MISO- Multi-input single-output model, POF- Percentage of fit


This paper emphasis on how to estimate the specific driver parameters corresponding to the human driver using the driver model approach. Subsequently, the specific driver parameters are defined based on the human driver under longitudinal driving conditions. To accomplish this, the mathematical description (Ordinary differential equation (ODE)) of the driver model is considered, representing the specific driver parameters. As stated before, the specific driver parameters are investigated for longitudinal driving conditions so, car following based model is selected this model determines how far the vehicle is in front of the other vehicle. Thereafter, the mathematical description of the driver model (ordinary differential equation) is transformed into the Laplace domain (S-domain) for estimating the specific driver parameters by using the input-output behaviour of the driver model. In this research system identification method is used to obtain the higher order transfer function for the given input and output variable. In addition to it, the acquired higher order transfer function needs to be approximated to the theoretical transfer function of the driver model. In a nutshell, it can be said that based on the defined goal the specific driver parameters were investigated using the driver model approach. In addition to it, one driver is analysed based on the identified specific driver parameters and correspondingly conclusions are drawn. Consequently, the same approach can be carried out for comparing different human drivers.







How to Cite

Grover, L. P. (2021). Identification of Driver Specific Parameters Using Real-Time Testing. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(7).