Municipalization of Environmental Licensing: An Analysis of The Identity Territory of Piemonte Norte do Itapicuru - Bahia


  • Thaíse Loiola de Sá
  • Gina Gouveira Pires de Castro


environment, environmental management, municipal management, complementary law


Considering the responsibilities within the scope of environmental causes more precisely and in a local way, the study presents a discussion on the municipal environmental licensing process, regarding the Shared Environmental Management - GAC in the State of Bahia and the municipalities that make up the Northern Piemonte Identity Territory of Itapicuru. The research is a case study of a qualitative character applied in the municipal environment secretariats, with an exploratory character, in order to identify the quality of the environmental management used, as well as the main obstacles found in the licensing processes. Therefore, the GAC strengthened the public environmental management of the analyzed municipalities, with positive impacts for the proper treatment of their natural resources and physical environment, guiding its actions in administrative decentralization processes. In addition to creating the bases for the municipalities to form their Environmental Management System. Deficits in the continuity of actions developed by municipal managers were observed. This management decentralization process served to encourage and enable the population's participation in the environmental management of their municipality.







How to Cite

Sá, T. L. de, & Castro, G. G. P. de. (2021). Municipalization of Environmental Licensing: An Analysis of The Identity Territory of Piemonte Norte do Itapicuru - Bahia. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(8).