Physical and Psychological Trauma Caused by Traffic Accidents


  • Wander Luiz Alves Peixoto de Melo
  • Walber Gonçalves de Souza
  • Marival Baldoino de Santana
  • Rosane Gomes de Oliveira
  • Larissa Dolores Figueiredo Mendes
  • Wederson Marcos Alves
  • Julia Dassié Nascimento Rossetto
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva


Death, Christians, mourning, euthanasia


This article aims to bring understanding about the Physical and Psychological Traumas Caused by Traffic Accidents, which every day has occurred with greater frequency. The traumas left by the victims end up harming their life in society, their work, among others. It is a fact that the larger the population, the greater the number of people who use transport, however, it should also be taken into account that traffic accidents also occur with pedestrians. Another factor that needs to be understood is that accidents generate many costs and consequences for victims and their families. Not only in relation to material costs, but also emotional ones, which make it difficult to return to society and socialize with other people.GOALS: The aim is to make the theme more explicit, showing that the physical and psychological traumas that traffic accidents cause to victims cause many consequences in society's life, bringing harm to the victim and several consequences. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH: it is a quantitative bibliographic research, being carried out online and also in different sources, with different authors and websites, which could bring information about the proposed question. A reading and selection of texts that brought answers that are concrete to explain the subject clearly and objectively was carried out. RESULTS: In view of the authors and websites surveyed, it can be understood that physical trauma can affect the daily life of injured people, and simple everyday actions such as dressing and eating can become major challenges. Furthermore, it was possible to understand that accidents bring many costs to both the health system and the victim. Regarding psychological trauma, it is understood that they are emotionally imprinted on the victim, leaving her with fears of going back to her routine, in addition, they cause various stress, which may develop into depression.




How to Cite

Peixoto de Melo, W. L. A., Souza, W. G. de, Santana, M. B. de, Oliveira, R. G. de, Figueiredo Mendes, L. D., Alves, W. M., Rossetto, J. D. N., & Silva, D. R. (2021). Physical and Psychological Trauma Caused by Traffic Accidents. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).