The Virtual Environment Room as a Didactic Resource for the Teaching of Pathologies Associated with Helicobacter pylori from the Perspective of Gastroenterology Teachers


  • Brian França dos Santos
  • Carlos Alberto Sanches Pereira
  • Lucrécia Helena Loureiro
  • Lidiane de Fátima de Oliveira Souza


Lúdico, Sala ambiente virtual, Tecnologias digitais, Helicobacter pylori, Sistema digestório


This study is an integral part of the master's thesis entitled Virtual Environment Room as a didactic resource for teaching pathologies associated with Helicobacter pylori. The study of pathologies associated with H. pylori in medical courses is based on the traditional method, predominantly composed of theoretical lectures and some practical classes in the laboratory. This form of approach makes the discipline little motivating for students and does not adequately stimulate the development of autonomy and critical, investigative and creative reasoning of students, constituting a challenge for the effective learning of the contents in question. This article aimed to present the results of the research with medical professors with specialization/residence in gastroenterology who are part of the Medicine course in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Eleven (11) gastroenterological professors participated in this stage, who voluntarily assumed the role of judges of the tool used. With the analysis of the material found, it was found that the teachers already use technological resources, although they do not use recreational resources, however, there is no professional training in the use of technologies, however, given the youthful framework of the teachers, this barrier is easily overcome by the experimentation process that is promoted by the interactive tool that was positively evaluated by them.




How to Cite

Santos, B. F. dos, Pereira, C. A. S., Loureiro, L. H., & Oliveira Souza, L. de F. de. (2021). The Virtual Environment Room as a Didactic Resource for the Teaching of Pathologies Associated with Helicobacter pylori from the Perspective of Gastroenterology Teachers. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).