The exacerbated increase in self-medication in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic and the discourses that strengthen it: An integrative review


  • Heberth Almeida de Macedo
  • Richardson Lemos de Oliveira
  • Wilder Kleber Fernandes de Santana
  • Lidiane Dias Reis
  • Cristiane Faria
  • Vítor Diego de Pontes Simões
  • Jéssica Ribeiro da Silva
  • Kelly de Souza Nunes Ribeiro
  • Daiana Neiva de Paula Correa
  • Danielle Olimpio Pires da Silva
  • Rose Procopio Chelucci
  • Marcelia Alves de Souza Martins
  • Allan Corrêa Xavier


Self-medication, Pandemic, Denial speeches


The main purpose of this study was to discuss the self-medication of elderly patients with neuropsychological syndromes and the discourses that strengthen it, which is done through an integrative review. In alarming circumstances that the World Health Organization (WHO, 1998), recognizes self-medication and self-diagnosis as a serious public health problem due to its consequences. In view of these initial notes, the general objective of this study is to 1) carry out an investigative study of the discourses that supported and influenced the practice of self-medication in Brazil. Our other intentions are 2) to carry out an integrative review of the consequences of self-medication and 3) to carry out a methodological detailing of the studies that supported our research. Some of the results of our research were based on the fact because of the discourses that have strengthened this practice in Brazil since the 2018 post-presidential election. personal and institutional that influenced most people to self-medicate with the so-called Kit Covid, as a way to deny and delegitimize the sovereignty of science.




How to Cite

Macedo, H. A. de, Oliveira, R. L. de, de Santana, W. K. F., Reis, L. D., Faria, C., Simões, V. D. de P., Silva, J. R. da, Ribeiro, K. de S. N., Correa, D. N. de P., Silva, D. O. P. da, Chelucci, R. P., Martins, M. A. de S., & Xavier, A. C. (2021). The exacerbated increase in self-medication in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic and the discourses that strengthen it: An integrative review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).