Comparison between different contraceptive methods


  • Stefane Cruz Marques
  • Ythallo Montenegro Avelino Tinel
  • Daniel Guimarães Videres
  • Luiz Henrique gomes dos Santos
  • Juliana Azevedo da Paixão


Contraceptives, Types of contraceptives, Drug interactions, Antibiotics and Contraceptives, Women's health


Contraceptive methods are directly related to women's health and, consequently, involve family planning issues and a whole process of social awareness. This work aims to carry out a bibliographical survey about the comparison between contraceptive methods; explain the classification between contraceptive methods; demonstrate the importance of consciously choosing the method that best suits individual needs; assess drug interactions between contraceptives and antibiotics; elucidate the importance of family planning and contraception. For the preparation of this article, the Integrative Review was used as a methodological tool in order to systematize and theoretically support this research from literature related to the proposed theme. Problems such as the proper choice of contraceptive method, unwanted pregnancies, STI's, family planning, awareness about the use of contraceptive methods and drug interactions were discussed throughout the article. The ideal is that dual protection (condom and contraceptive) be used in all sexual relations, thus contributing to increasingly minimize the rates of STI's and HIV/AIDS. It is necessary that there is greater discussion and dissemination in society in regarding the different types of contraceptive methods and the correct way to use them, as well as possible consequences of their absence, possible health risks and benefits. awareness about the use of contraceptive methods and drug interactions with them. The ideal is that dual protection (condom and contraceptive) be used in all sexual relations, thus contributing to increasingly minimize the rates of STI's and HIV/AIDS. It is necessary that there is greater discussion and dissemination in society in regarding the different types of contraceptive methods and the correct way to use them, as well as possible consequences of their absence, possible health risks and benefits. awareness about the use of contraceptive methods and drug interactions with them. The ideal is that dual protection (condom and contraceptive) be used in all sexual relations, thus contributing to increasingly minimize the rates of STI's and HIV/AIDS. It is necessary that there is greater discussion and dissemination in society in regarding the different types of contraceptive methods and the correct way to use them, as well as possible consequences of their absence, possible health risks and benefits.




How to Cite

Marques, S. C., Avelino Tinel, Y. M., Videres, D. G., dos Santos, L. H. gomes, & Paixão, J. A. da. (2021). Comparison between different contraceptive methods. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(10).