2D Microwave Imaging of the Breast Tissue: Forward Problem Technique


  • Arofah S. L.
  • Nugroho A. T.
  • Sutisna Sutisna


Microwave imaging is the method that used to detect breast cancer. Previous research is done by inverse problem and forward problem solution, but the inverse problem is difficult to solve because there are many unknown constants. Thus in this paper, microwave imaging is solved by different way, i.e. using forward problem solution only with the aim to easier the imaging process without ignoring the resolution. So the malignant breast cancer is easier to detect and this technique can be used as an easy, safe, and cheap of early detection of the breast cancer. This process is done by illuminating normal and malignant breast tissue model using microwave at frequencies 5GHz, 10GHz, and 15GHz. Then the scattered field data are calculated by Method of Moment. The scattered field data is presented in 2D figure. The results show that normal and malignant breast tissue produce different scattered field patterns. The normal breast tissue tends to produce more curve pattern around object. This difference in patterns can be used as a reference to distinguish between normal and malignant breast tissue.







How to Cite

L., A. S., T., N. A., & Sutisna, S. (2019). 2D Microwave Imaging of the Breast Tissue: Forward Problem Technique. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/427