Most prevalent oral manifestations in patients infected by the HIV virus and the importance of dentists in early diagnosis


  • Jennifer Letícia Moura da Silva
  • Rafaela de Souza Sampaio
  • Lívia Coutinho Varejão
  • Gerson de Oliveira Paiva Neto
  • Rebeca Luzia Solarte Barbosa
  • Mário Jorge Souza Ferreira FIlho


Oral manifestations, HIV, dentists, early diagnosis


The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) promotes chronic infection of TCD4+ lymphocytes, resulting in depression of the immune system and making the body susceptible to the development of opportunistic infections, yet it can evolve into Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The oral cavity of the HIV-infected patient is constantly affected by pathologies and neoplasms of different origins, which makes the dentist essential for the early diagnosis of these lesions, treatment and, consequently, for the promotion of the quality of life of this individual. The present work aims to portray the most prevalent oral manifestations in HIV-infected patients and emphasize the importance of the dentist in early diagnosis. After reviewing the literature, it is concluded that the most prevalent manifestations are: candidiasis (pseudomembranous, erythematous, angular and hyperplastic cheilitis), oral hairy leukoplakia, Kaposi's sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and periodontal disease (linear gingival erythema, periodontitis necrotizing ulcerative and necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis).




How to Cite

da Silva, J. L. M., Sampaio, R. de S., Varejão, L. C., Paiva Neto, G. de O., Barbosa, R. L. S., & Ferreira FIlho, M. J. S. (2021). Most prevalent oral manifestations in patients infected by the HIV virus and the importance of dentists in early diagnosis. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).