Pregnant Women’s Perception about the Influence of Physiotherapy in Prenatal and Labor in a Neighborhood of the City of Linhares-ES


  • Julia Dassié Nascimento Rossetto
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva


Natural childbirth, Cesarean delivery, Obstetric physiotherapy, gestation


Pregnancy is an important phase in the life of any woman, as it represents a complex and full of changes evidenced from conception to postpartum. In this moment of intense changes, the body changes daily bringing physical and emotional repercussions. The physiological changes in pregnancy are due to the necessary adaptations specific to the maternal-fetal complex and childbirth. Initially, the first changes are due to hormonal action and generate significant impacts on the woman's body and routine. The main changes in maternal physiology occur in the cardiocirculatory, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, in addition to metabolic and hematological changes. The preparation of the body for pregnancy involves adjustments of the most varied systems, depending on a complete multidisciplinary team that will be able to offer the pregnant woman quality support to the varied body systems. The physiotherapist is an essential health professional who works both in the prevention and rehabilitation of the population's health. The insertion of this professional in several areas of health tends to happen due to the profession evolving clinically and scientifically contributing to a large scale in the health of the individual in its entirety. The present study is justified by the need to verify the knowledge of pregnant women in relation to the benefits of physical therapy in prenatal care and during labor. The knowledge generated from this study will serve as important support material for physical therapists and pregnant women, favoring the insertion of this professional in this area.




How to Cite

Rossetto, J. D. N., & Silva, D. R. (2021). Pregnant Women’s Perception about the Influence of Physiotherapy in Prenatal and Labor in a Neighborhood of the City of Linhares-ES. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).