Normalization of Way Solepay Watershed in Mamala Village, Central Maluku Regency


  • Rudi Serang


Normalization, rainfall, river discharge, sedimentation rate


Watershed is an area bounded by mountain ridges where rainwater that falls on the area will be accommodated by the mountain ridge and flowed through small rivers to the main river. The increase in population from year to year results in the need for land for shelter and clean water to be very important, thus requiring residents to tend to live on land located on hillside. The resulting impact on the surrounding environment is the reduction in green areas as water catchment areas in river basins, the threat of landslides and floods due to additional loads on the slopes. This study aims to overcome the accumulation of sedimentation which has resulted in water overflows along the Way Solepay watershed and to prevent sedimentation from occurring. The analysis method used in this research is rainfall analysis with the method of Log Percent III, Flood Planning Analysis, Watershed Erosion Analysis, and Sedimentation Analysis. The results of the analysis of this study show that there is a accumulation of sedimentation in the Way Solepay watershed on average every year of 3,599 m3 / day or 1,313,635 m3 / year and how to overcome this is by being transported regularly every year as much as 32,386 m³ / day or 11,954,078 m³ / yrs




How to Cite

Serang, R. (2021). Normalization of Way Solepay Watershed in Mamala Village, Central Maluku Regency. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).