Fixed orthodontic technique without bracket: an alternative to conventional orthodontic treatments


  • Ewelyn Caroline Ribeiro Corrêa
  • Brienna Almeida Costa
  • Amanda Araújo Freitas
  • Rebeca Luzia Solarte Barbosa
  • Rodrigo Marocchio Pavane
  • Mário Jorge Souza Ferreira Filho


Orthodontic Appliance Design, Dental Esthetics, Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed, Dental Esthetic


The search for orthodontic treatment goes far beyond the correction of mismatches in the teeth, prevention of occlusal problems or functional benefits, the patient also associates orthodontic treatment with the aesthetic benefit, which becomes a motivator in choosing which appliance model to use during your treatment. Therefore, this article presented the difference between fixed and removable orthodontic techniques, analyzing their pros and cons, established by scientific basis so that the reader understands and determines which technique to use for each patient. During the literature review, it was noted that aesthetics and comfort are determining factors in choosing the type of orthodontic appliance to be used in the treatment, and fixed orthodontics without brackets is capable of meeting this need. Over the years, 3D technology was introduced, making it possible to perform a virtual set-up, giving the professional a precise preview of the necessary movements. Fixed orthodontics without brackets was improved in Brazil by Guaracy Fonseca and Ney Tavares, with the emergence of the 3D-BOT - Bracketless Orthodontics Treatmente (three-dimensional orthodontic treatment without brackets) technique, which stood out for being one of the best alternatives in orthodontic treatment in which refers to aesthetics, as it idealizes highly relevant advantages, such as aesthetically invisible and comfortable, it does not impair diction and does not make cleaning difficult, in addition to the low cost and treatment completion in less time.




How to Cite

Corrêa, E. C. R., Costa, B. A., Freitas, A. A., Barbosa, R. L. S., Pavane, R. M., & Ferreira Filho, M. J. S. (2021). Fixed orthodontic technique without bracket: an alternative to conventional orthodontic treatments. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).