Landscape of Family Farming in the Municipality of Naviraí-MS


  • Samuel Carvalho de Aragão
  • Márcio Teixeira Oliveira
  • Viviane Lima Catelan Moreira
  • Renno de Abreu Araújo
  • Matheus Bornelli de Castro
  • Daniel Zimmermann Mesquita
  • Fabio Yoshimi Wada
  • Priscila Gonzales Figueiredo
  • Bruno Toribio de Lima Xavier
  • André Carvalho Baida
  • Cristiano Moreira Oliveira
  • Michely Cinquini Freire da Silva
  • Jorge Granja de Oliveira Junior
  • Anderson Sanita
  • Suellen Moreira de Oliveira
  • Ricardo Augusto Lins do Nascimento


Family farming, Navirai - MS. Agricultural production, Public policy


The municipality of Naviraí - MS doesn't differ in terms of land quality from the then new state of Mato Grosso do Sul created in 1977. However, the process of formation of the municipality began in the 1930’s. The municipality of Naviraí and region is an agricultural production hub, with a prominent position in grain production, with the crops of corn, soybeans, cassava and sugar cane, in addition to agricultural production developed by family farming that meet the local market and public policies such as the Food Acquisition Program – PPA and the National School Feeding Program – PNAE. Thus, this work aimed to provide an overview of family agricultural production and public policies available to farmers in the municipality of Naviraí - MS. It was identified that the municipality has a great diversification in production and that it has been one of the protagonists in family agricultural production, with emphasis on horticulture being one of the largest producers in the state. This role is a reflection of the concern of Municipal, State and Federal Public Management in developing policies that foster local development, however, the minimal access of farmers to rural credit policies such as PRONAF was identified, soon it becomes necessary more publicity and technical support for greater reach of PRONAF, raising family farming in Naviraí - MS to even higher levels.




How to Cite

Aragão, S. C. de, Oliveira, M. T., Moreira, V. L. C., Araújo, R. de A., Castro, M. B. de, Mesquita, D. Z., Wada, F. Y., Figueiredo, P. G., Xavier, B. T. de L., Baida, A. C., Oliveira, C. M., da Silva, M. C. F., Junior, J. G. de O., Sanita, A., Oliveira, S. M. de, & do Nascimento, R. A. L. (2021). Landscape of Family Farming in the Municipality of Naviraí-MS. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).