Ceramic Laminates in Conoid Teeth: An integrative Literature Review


  • Sandy Dias Moraes
  • Robson dos Santos Paiva Filho
  • Hayssa Cunha da Silva
  • Ítalo Augusto da Costa Lacerda


Ceramic Laminates, Conoid Teeth, homogeneity


The treatment of conoid teeth represents a challenge for the dental team, as few elements are available in most cases, making it difficult to obtain an aesthetic that advocates anatomical and color homogeneity among the elements involved. Conoid teeth are changes in the size and shape of natural teeth. These changes have an aesthetic effect on the patient's smile, as the affected teeth are smaller than normal and have a sharpened incisal surface. Based on the content presented, the following issue is raised: Why ceramic laminates can be indicated for use in conoid teeth? Thus, the aim of the study is to carry out an integrative literature review of ceramic veneers in conoid teeth. The methodology used was a literature review, with searches in databases following the criteria of articles published in the period from 2015 to 2021. When ceramic laminates are considered, different restorative approaches have been proposed, depending on the facet thickness and color of the remaining tooth structure. It is concluded that Ceramic veneers are a well-established treatment method for the conservative esthetic restoration of malformed teeth, such as conoids.




How to Cite

Moraes, S. D., Paiva Filho, R. dos S., Silva, H. C. da, & Costa Lacerda, Ítalo A. da. (2021). Ceramic Laminates in Conoid Teeth: An integrative Literature Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4317