Stories of narrations, actions and facts related to the control and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.


  • Angela Nunes Boni
  • Claudio Di Martino
  • Graziela Picoloto
  • Rodrigo Cantero Dorsa
  • Graziela Picoloto
  • Viviane Müller Dantas
  • Luciano Fabrízio Bariani José de Oliveira
  • Cynthia Nakaya Kinoshita Centurion
  • Odete Aparecida Pereira
  • Samuel Carvalhode Aragão
  • Jorge Granja de Oliveira Junior
  • Márcio Teixeira Oliveira
  • Geraldo Marcos de Moraes
  • Paulo Eduardo Ferlini Teixeira
  • Jefferson Pintode Oliveira
  • Renno de Abreu Araújo
  • Agnaldo Reis Pontes


Stories of Narrations, Actions, Facts, control, eradication of foot-and-mouth disease


In the year that the state of Mato Grosso do Sul celebrates its 44th anniversary, the State Agency for Animal and Plant Sanitary Defense - IAGRO celebrates its 42 years of work and dedication in favor of agriculture and livestock in the state. IAGRO in this period underwent the formation of its technical and structural staff so that the operationality of the work would happen in an integral way in the state as it is today. Throughout this period, we are aware of the history of narratives, actions and facts related to the good work performed by active, inactive, concursus’s and hired public service person, who contributed to IAGRO today being for Brazil, a reference in animal and plant health defense work, a work with international recognition. These stories, actions and facts culminate in the main objective today of IAGRO, which is the main demand of this agency and the productive sector of the entire Mato Grosso do Sul, that is, the withdrawal of the vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease throughout the state's cattle herd. Thus, this work aimed to narrate the history, actions and facts related to the control and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in Mato Grosso do Sul over these 42 years of this young agency. The result of this work allowed the employees, especially the younger ones, to make a trip to the history of the institution, to be moved by stories lived by colleagues of service, to have a knowledge of actions and remarkable facts, which made the history of this agency, leaving the challenge of continuing to write, experience and mark as a new protagonist of the work of animal and plant sanitary defense of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.




How to Cite

Boni, A. N., Martino, C. D., Picoloto, G., Dorsa, R. C., Picoloto, G., Dantas, V. M., José de Oliveira, L. F. B., Centurion, C. N. K., Pereira, O. A., Aragão, S. C., Oliveira Junior, J. G. de, Oliveira, M. T., Moraes, G. M. de, Teixeira, P. E. F., Oliveira, J. P., Araújo, R. de A., & Pontes, A. R. (2021). Stories of narrations, actions and facts related to the control and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).