The Conditions of Periurban Agriculture in Porto Velho, Rondônia – Brazil: The Chacareiro Setor (2007-2008)


  • Ana Cristina Teixeira Alves
  • Adnilson de Almeida Silva


Periurban agriculture, Family agriculture, Agricultural production, Chacareiro Sector, Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil


The objective is to analyze the condition of periurban agriculture through agricultural production developed in the Chacareiro Sector, municipality of Porto Velho, Rondônia - Brazil in the 2007-2008 biennium. The methodology used consisted of bibliographic research and the technique of data collection to obtain agrarian and demographic information about the study area in the INCRA Report, Porto Velho - RO, in 2008. Agricultural production is centered on: 30 .49% in cassava, 27.65% in polyculture, 24.83% in chickens, 94.32% in natural pasture, produced on properties with up to 0.5 hectares by immigrant farmers, totaling 77.30% and from Rondônia with 22.70%. Peri-urban agriculture is characterized by family, traditional, horticultural agriculture based on basic necessities, aimed especially for consumption and practiced by immigrant and Rondônia farmers in mini-properties on the outskirts of the city.




How to Cite

Alves, A. C. T., & Silva, A. de A. (2021). The Conditions of Periurban Agriculture in Porto Velho, Rondônia – Brazil: The Chacareiro Setor (2007-2008). International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(11).