Work, health and vulnerabilities of riverside women in the brazilian amazon in COVID-19 pandemic


  • Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins
  • Anderson Lineu Siqueira dos Santos
  • Tatyellen Natasha da Costa Oliveira
  • Dayanne de Nazaré dos Santos
  • Taiana Moita Koury Alves
  • Paula Carolina Lima de Aviz
  • Priscila Pinheiro de Miranda
  • Luceme Martins Silva
  • Camila Cristina Girard Santos
  • Antônia Roberta Mitre Sampaio
  • Rodrigo Batista Balieiro
  • Roxana Flores Mamani
  • Rosângela Lima da Silva
  • Bruno Rafael Ribeiro de Almeida
  • Sheyla Fernanda da Costa Barbosa
  • Jully Greyce Freitas de Paula Ramalho
  • Lauricéia Valente de Oliveira
  • Mariana Valente de Oliveira
  • Lilian Cristina Mainardes de Miranda
  • Luiz Euclides Coelho de Souza Filho
  • Leomeria Lima do Nascimento
  • Ludimila Magalhães Rodrigues da Cunha
  • Maria de Fátima Amine Houat de Souza
  • Ana Trindade Pereira
  • Maria de Nazaré Alves de Lima
  • José Jorge da Silva Galvão
  • Francinéa de Nazaré Ferreira de Castilho
  • Syrsjane Navegante Cordeiro
  • Gabriel Pereira de França
  • José Alan Rêgo Portal
  • Karina Faine da Silva Freitas
  • Dulcilene Ferreira Melo
  • Sarah Jacqueline Costa do Lago
  • Taisa Pereira Cruz Costa Silva
  • Raimunda Maia Lago
  • Fernanda Araújo Trindade
  • Mônica Custódia do Couto Abreu Pamplona
  • Kely Martins de Freitas
  • Yasmin Pacheco Ribeiro
  • Brenda Beatriz Silva Monteiro
  • Dayane Azevedo Spinelli
  • Luciano Gil Saldanha Torres
  • Camilla Castilho Maia
  • Joacy Pedro Franco David
  • Ana Catarina de Souza Carvalho Reis
  • Thabata Vanessa Carneiro Aires
  • Soraya Galvão Martins
  • Elidiane de Carvalho Ribeiro
  • Ana Paula dos Reis Freire
  • Rogeovandra Martins Portela
  • Andréa de Oliveira Moraes
  • Maria Izabel Cristina Francisco Amaro
  • Helena Lins Viana
  • Zeze Laeci Cunha Maciel


Work, Health, Vulnerabilities, Women, COVID-19


Objective: This study aimed to describe aspects related to work, health and vulnerabilities of riverside women in the Brazilian Amazon during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This is a narrative review through the search for articles in scientific databases, published from January 2020 to October 2021. Five complete original articles were selected that answer the central question of the research and were organized according to the content of their evidence, divided into three categories: 1) The work of riverside women in the context of COVID-19; 2) The impact of work on the health of riparian women in the face of the pandemic; 3) Vulnerabilities of riverine women and coping strategies in the pandemic. Results: The analysis of the literature highlights important points in the sense of alerting society to the vulnerabilities to which women are exposed due to the social isolation imposed by the pandemic, such as the loss of income with a direct impact on the families' food and quality of life, violence domestic, mental disorders, among others. Conclusion: It is concluded that this review opens paths and perspectives for a better understanding of the problem and planning of public policies aimed at the needs of riverside women in the Amazon.




How to Cite

Souza Martins, A. C. G., dos Santos, A. L. S., Costa Oliveira, T. N. da, dos Santos, D. de N., Alves, T. M. K., Aviz, P. C. L. de, Miranda, P. P. de, Silva, L. M., Santos, C. C. G., Sampaio, A. R. M., Balieiro, R. B., Mamani, R. F., Silva, R. L. da, Almeida, B. R. R. de, Costa Barbosa, S. F. da, Paula Ramalho, J. G. F. de, Oliveira, L. V. de, Oliveira, M. V. de, de Miranda, L. C. M., … Maciel, Z. L. C. (2021). Work, health and vulnerabilities of riverside women in the brazilian amazon in COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).