Epidemiological risk in the movement of cattle in the regions of critical control points for foot-and-mouth disease in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Marco Aurélio Guimarães
  • Marcos Camargo
  • Marcelo Sebastião Marcondes de Sousa
  • Kamylla Lucas Silveira
  • Fabio Sousa Nantes
  • Nelson de Souza Neto
  • Samuel Carvalho de Aragão
  • Jorge Granja de Oliveira Junior
  • Márcio Teixeira Oliveira
  • Geraldo Marcos de Moraes
  • Paulo Eduardo Ferlini Teixeira
  • Jefferson Pinto de Oliveira
  • Agnaldo Reis Pontes


Critical Control Point, Cattle Movement, Foot-and-Mouth Disease


Cattle ranching in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul has been a supporter of the state's agribusiness, which has one of the largest cattle herds in the country, and has in its extensive breeding system a high genetic herd and the animals have access to an excellent pasture in the face of good quality of the fertile lands of the state. This activity generates directly and indirectly approximately 38,317,000 jobs and moves 24 billion reais annually, and this financial movement has increased by 18.2% in 2021 compared to the previous year (DETEC/Famasul System,2021), contributing to the state's GDP of R$ 23.5 billion, with an expected growth of 3.5% in 2021 (Tavares, 2021). The Agency for Animal and Vegetable Agricultural Defense - IAGRO has developed a work recognized nationally and internationally. In view of the state having approximately 1,500 kilometers of border, strict control of critical animal movement points in these regions is necessary. To date, 38,526 Animal Transit Guides - GTAs have been issued totaling 1,419,364 cattle and buffaloes moved in these regions. Thus, IAGRO performs continuous and uninterrupted work of sanitary surveillance in these regions, with actions of irregular traffic inhibition and regular traffic control. In 2021, in these regions, 125 searches were conducted for absentees, 362 vaccinations accompanied by the official service and 45 records of infractions for non-vaccination and 34 for lack of registration of the vaccine. (IAGRO,2021). All this health surveillance work aims to maintain the protection of the entire herd of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul resulting that for more than 15 years without record of aftosa focus in the state, we maintain a vaccination coverage above 99.2% to more than 6 years and the state pleads for the status of aphthous-free area without vaccination, demand from IAGRO and the entire production chain of the state. We will remain firm, convinced that work must continue and improve with health defense actions, health education, technical staff training and health surveillance throughout the state, with emphasis on the entire international and interstate border region.




How to Cite

Guimarães, M. A., Camargo, M., Marcondes de Sousa, M. S., Silveira, K. L., Nantes, F. S., Neto, N. de S., Aragão, S. C. de, Oliveira Junior, J. G. de, Oliveira, M. T., Moraes, G. M. de, Teixeira, P. E. F., Oliveira, J. P. de, & Pontes, A. R. (2021). Epidemiological risk in the movement of cattle in the regions of critical control points for foot-and-mouth disease in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4417