Skills and difficulties in the role of nurses in aeromedical transport


  • Marcelo dos Santos Rodrigues
  • Hennã Cardoso de Lima
  • Iranete Pereira Ribeiro
  • Mário da Cruz Cabral Neto
  • Niceane dos Santos Figueiredo Teixeira
  • Breno Lins Alencar e Silva
  • Geyza Dias Araújo
  • Shelsea Brandão do Amaral
  • Gabriel Miranda Bezerra
  • Carolyne Sousa Araújo
  • Fernanda da Silva Lima
  • Patrícia dos Santos Moutinho Coelho
  • Élen Gabriela Sales Costa
  • Tainara Cristina Lopes Bastos
  • Patrick do Nascimento Viana
  • Regiane Suelen Moura da Silva
  • Mariana Valente de Oliveira
  • Lauricéia Valente de Oliveira
  • Elias Costa Monteiro
  • Raimunda de Fátima Carvalho Prestes
  • Sheyla Cristina Ferreira de Magalhães
  • Francisco Ocian de Araújo Júnior
  • Layse Viana Figueiredo Garcia
  • Naiade Moreira de Oliveira
  • Emanoel da Silva Campos
  • Mauro Sávio Sarmento Pinheiro
  • Daiane Sabrina Neves Oliveira
  • Kelly Pinheiro da Costa Pinheiro
  • Vera Lúcia Queiroz Corrêa Vieira
  • Gabriel Furtado de Carvalho
  • Fabiane Cristina Nunes da Silva
  • Adriana Santos Araújo
  • Maria Antonieta Bezerra Falcão
  • Thaisha Beatriz Viana Rodrigues
  • Bruna Carolina da Trindade Monteiro da Silva
  • Arley Ribeiro Nunes
  • Carlos Eduardo Castro Freitas Silva
  • Maria Janaína de Souza Maciel
  • Emanoele Cardoso Costa
  • Cristiane Costa da Cruz
  • Rodrigo Coimbra de Melo
  • Ruthlene Freitas Gonçalves
  • Jeferson Pena Carneiro
  • Gabriela da Silva Palheta
  • Monize Lopes de Araujo Gomes
  • Marcilene de Brito Caxias
  • Aline Cristina Silva Ferreira
  • Elem Cristina da Silva Barbosa de Souza
  • Dermison Leão Pereira
  • Josieli da Silva melo Pinheiro
  • Erika Renata Castilho Carvalho Sarraff
  • Tamires de Cassia Silva da Cruz
  • Natrícia Hellen Batista Afonso
  • Mauro Sávio Sarmento Pinheiro
  • Lucas Lopes Friás
  • Liene Alves Braga
  • Glauce Kelly Ribeiro de Souza
  • Bruna Ribeiro de Araújo Lira
  • Mariana Elizabeth Lopes de Sales
  • Wanda Carla Conde Rodrigues
  • Danielle Oliveira Maciel
  • Bruna Barros de Melo
  • Betyana Alves de Sousa
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Raimundo Lima Monteiro
  • Gilvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Elyade Nelly Pires Rocha Camacho
  • Raquel Fernandes Costa
  • Rosinelma do Socorro Nunes Gonçalves
  • Paula Nayara Barbosa Simplício
  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira
  • Jofre Jacob da Silva Freitas
  • Ilma Pastana Ferreira


Nursing, Aeromedical transport, Intensive therapy


Objective: to describe the skills and difficulties in the role of nurses in aeromedical transport. Method: descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, from October to November 2019, with a sample of seven nurses who work in an aerospace transport service, located in the metropolitan region of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. Data analysis was based on the thematic content analysis method proposed by Bardin. Result: four empirical categories emerged: “Attributions, competences and difficulties in the role of nurses in aeromedical transport; Considering the epidemiological reality and regional differences; The nurse as a member of the multidisciplinary team; prerequisites for performance”. Conclusion: health professionals who work in air transport have different interpretations about the work they perform. In addition, the on-board nurse assumes a prominent position, their work is full of demands and challenges that require knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes to carry out the on-board service, aiming to maintain an efficient and effective practice, even in the face of adversities of this type of service.




How to Cite

Rodrigues, M. dos S., Lima, H. C. de, Ribeiro, I. P., Neto, M. da C. C., Figueiredo Teixeira, N. dos S., Silva, B. L. A. e, Araújo, G. D., Amaral, S. B. do, Bezerra, G. M., Araújo, C. S., Lima, F. da S., Moutinho Coelho, P. dos S., Costa, Élen G. S., Bastos, T. C. L., Viana, P. do N., Silva, R. S. M. da, Oliveira, M. V. de, Oliveira, L. V. de, Monteiro, E. C., … Ferreira, I. P. (2021). Skills and difficulties in the role of nurses in aeromedical transport. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).