Preventive extraction of the lower third molar: Literature review


  • Adna Karine Lopes da Silva
  • Adrielle Rodrigues dos Reis
  • Marina Rolo Pinheiro da Rosa


Extraction, third molar, complementary exams


Third molar extraction is one of the most effective procedures in oral surgery. His recommendations are associated with caries, periodontal disease, pericoronitis, root resorption, crowding and dentigerous cyst. The appropriate period to choose whether or not to extract third molars is also controversial, and a method for predicting impaction of these teeth has not yet been scientifically legitimized. Objective: to carry out a literature review to address, explicitly and clearly, the main problems in which the extraction should be suggested in a preventive way, and some relevant complementary exams that facilitate the surgeon at the time of removal. Methods: A literature review study was carried out. The study report was organized according to the preferred reporting item criteria for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). The study was carried out by searching the following databases: PUBMED, Cochrane Library and SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Libray Online) in Portuguese and English vernacular. Results: The inclusion criteria for the study were the selection of articles that addressed the topic, whose texts were complete and free, published in English or Portuguese. Those who did not show the subject addressed in this review in the title, abstract and/or text were excluded, as well as those with more than 20 years of publication. Conclusion: The suggestion of third molar extraction should be made in accordance with the system of each patient, taking into account the assessment of the question of risk x benefit.




How to Cite

Silva, A. K. L. da, Reis, A. R. dos, & Rosa, M. R. P. da. (2021). Preventive extraction of the lower third molar: Literature review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).