Use of Playful Strategies: Sensitization of the Theme of Pressure Injury for Nursing Professionals


  • Yasmin Cristino Monteiro
  • Wenderson Melo Martins
  • Samily Rocha
  • Karina Cristina dos Passos Meguins
  • Lucas Geovane dos Santos Rodrigues
  • Renan Robert Silva da Silva
  • Renata Carneiro Inglis
  • Karen Pantoja Oliveira Meireles
  • Francimeiry Antunes Santos
  • Glaucia Milena Dantas Maia
  • Rakeline dos Santos Magno
  • Ana Beatriz Gonçalves David
  • Leandra Nogueira Barbosa
  • Wayka Quadros Silveira
  • Kemelly Melissa Azevedo da Costa Maicon de Araújo Nogueira
  • Renan de Souza Linard Leticia Barbosa Alves
  • Gleyssa Lene Nunes Carvalho


nursing education, ludotherapy, nursing professionals, pressure injury


Objective: to report the experience of students who used playful activities in an educational action with professionals from the multidisciplinary team on the subject of pressure injury in a reference hospital in Belém do Pará. Method: this is a descriptive and qualitative study of the type of experience report, which aims to describe the experience of academics from an academic league of urgency and emergency in the metropolitan region of Belém. Results: the study reports the observation of playful activities for nursing professionals, which consists of a board game where the professionals of the given hospital had great adherence in the action and, in view of this, it was perceived that they had some doubts that were clarified during the game. Conclusion: playful instruments are facilitated forms of learning, and it was well received by the hospital nursing team that reported satisfaction with the action and how important it was to ensure quality care, besides being of paramount importance periodic updates on pressure injury for nursing professionals, because they are responsible for direct care to the patient, and during the action it was noticed by the academics that the playful strategies have a greater attractiveness and ensures a better learning..




How to Cite

Monteiro, Y. C., Martins, W. M., Rocha, S., Passos Meguins, K. C. dos, Santos Rodrigues, L. G. dos, Silva, R. R. S. da, Inglis, R. C., Meireles, K. P. O., Santos, F. A., Maia, G. M. D., Magno, R. dos S., David, A. B. G., Barbosa, L. N., Silveira, W. Q., Maicon de Araújo Nogueira, K. M. A. da C., Leticia Barbosa Alves, R. de S. L., & Carvalho, G. L. N. (2022). Use of Playful Strategies: Sensitization of the Theme of Pressure Injury for Nursing Professionals. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(12).