Scope of sustainability in ecological cities


  • Bruna de Moraes Santos
  • Helena Liebl
  • Bruno Reinert de Abreu
  • Eneida Regina das Neves Nascimento
  • Sebastião Melo Campos
  • Tales Vinícius Marinho de Araújo


Sustainable urban development is an indispensable advance due to the growth of cities initially formed in a disorderly way and without care of the preservation of the environment. The relationship between man and the environment has been reframed, maintaining capitalist and progressive thinking, but with recognition of the awareness of a healthy environment and restrictive measures that guarantee environmental protection. The exercise of the joint evolution of society and nature, working in an intelligent way, using the technologies available to the population, aiming for future well-being, will ensure that there are conditions of use for a future society that will succeed the current one. Its purpose is to specifically address the extent and importance that cities that care about sustainability have, acting and caring locally, to make their impacts globally possible, as well as to address how unbridled and with no organization involved in cities that were created without the necessary care with the preservation of the environment. In the various phases of the Research, the Referent Techniques, the Category, the Operational Concept and the Bibliographic Research were activated.







How to Cite

Santos, B. de M., Liebl, H., Abreu, B. R. de, Nascimento, E. R. das N., Campos, S. M., & Araújo, T. V. M. de. (2019). Scope of sustainability in ecological cities. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).