Clinical and epidemiological data of brain death diagnoses occurred in Brazil - Literature review


  • Gleison Faria
  • Katiany Tamara Andrade Batista
  • Gilvan Salvador Junior
  • Edson Alan Cavalheiro
  • Gean Carlos da Silva Saar
  • Valérian Santos Souza Semczyszym
  • Washington Cruz Silva
  • Jackson Firigolo
  • Suzana Nogueira
  • Francielly Maira Bordon
  • Valdair Nunes do Nascimento
  • Marco Rogério da Silva
  • Rayanne Cavalcante do Nascimento
  • Tarcísio Donizette Pichek
  • Paulo Henrique Campos da Silva


Brain death, investigation, information


The concept of death was linked to the absence of heartbeats or spontaneous breathing movements. Diagnosis of brain death is complex, requiring a series of initial factors as prerequisites, such as: knowledge of the cause of the coma, absence of hypothermia and absence of action of central nervous system depressant drugs. Objective: to verify the clinical incidence and epidemiology of brain deaths in Brazil. Methodology: these are exploratory, retrospective observational or experimental studies of literature recovery and critical analysis that were carried out through a search of electronic documents published between 2010 and 2020, using scientific articles, dissertations and theses. Thirty-three articles were analyzed that dealt with the subject discussed, which deepened the knowledge about it, human beings were not involved in the research, thus dispensing with the use of the free informed term. Results: The activities carried out by the brain define all the structures of the body. The patient's vital functions are freely and spontaneously linked and linked to the heart and lungs. The most common causes for the evolution of brain death are traumatic brain injuries (TBI) resulting from car accidents or physical aggression. The act of being an organ donor is characterized as solidarity with others. The family authorizes, however, the patient must agree in life with the act of donating their organs to other people. It is important to remember that not all patients who progress to brain death can be organ donors, around 1 to 4% of patients who die in hospital clinics throughout Brazil are selected. Conclusion: It is concluded that, during the research, it was found that it was difficult to find the strengthening of the health care network that would help in the formulation of public policies aimed at the capture and transplantation of organs and that took into account the strategies that promoted discussions between professionals and society. Another difficulty is carrying out multidisciplinary training in public and private networks to understand possible pitfalls and analyzes of possible organ donors.




How to Cite

Faria, G., Batista, K. T. A., Junior, G. S., Cavalheiro, E. A., Saar, G. C. da S., Semczyszym, V. S. S., Silva, W. C., Firigolo, J., Nogueira, S., Bordon, F. M., Nascimento, V. N. do, Silva, M. R. da, Nascimento, R. C. do, Pichek, T. D., & da Silva, P. H. C. (2022). Clinical and epidemiological data of brain death diagnoses occurred in Brazil - Literature review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(1).