Effect of Tillage and Irrigation Method to Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) Production in Dryland and Wetland


  • Luluk Sulistiyo Budi
  • Sri Rahayu
  • Ma’ruf Pambudi Nurwantara


Tillage models, irrigation, dryland, wetland areas, Sesame, production


The productivity of an agricultural commodity is influenced by culture technology such as tillage and water supply. This research aimed to determine the influence of tillage and water supply on the growth and yield of sesame. This experiment used the factorial randomized block design, with three replications. The First factor was the tillage method which consists of three levels, i.e.; no-tillage, minimum tillage, and full tillage. The second factor was irrigation method, i.e., provision of flush water, provision of water through the ditch and the provision of surface waterways. The result showed that the combination of tillage treatment and the provision of water and a variable number of pods on a trial production on dry land, while on trial in wetland areas only the variable weight of 1000 seeds. As there is a difference in the growth of real variables only on trial in wetland areas due to tillage treatments at all ages observation and the results analysis of the experimental on dryland and wetland that water is the determinant of production.




How to Cite

Budi, L. S., Rahayu, S., & Nurwantara, M. P. (2022). Effect of Tillage and Irrigation Method to Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) Production in Dryland and Wetland. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(1). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4635