Wind Complexes Environmental Licensing in Bahia backwoods ridges, Brazilian Semiarid


  • Flávio Marques Castanho Barrero
  • José Alves de Siqueira Filho
  • Helder Ribeiro Freitas
  • Juracy Marques


Wind energy, Renewable energy, Social, Environmental Impacts, Territorial Development, Environmental Licensing


Bahia’s backwoods ridges belong to a mountain range called “Serra do Espinhaço” which historically are explored by regular or clandestine mining companies. Since the beginning of 2010’s decade, the abundance of wind has attracted companies interested in the use of it for energy generation. Nevertheless, these ridges also are part of recharging zones that supplies important water reservoirs in Brazilian’s semiarid and Caatinga’s region. The ridges riches awoke interest in some companies who insist to explore in a predatory way, and take advantages of State’s regulatory flexibility, violating stability, and compromising essential ecosystem services in Brazilian semiarid region. The use of renewable energies is not free from environmental impacts. Scientists and social organizations denounce serious problems related to the licenses and operations of the wind enterprises, who, by the way, have been investigated by Bahia’s Public Prosecutor's Office. It is important to evaluate and describe the consequences of implementing these wind farms, whose defects threaten local communities. This research is based on the Environmental Information System of Bahia’s State and intends to analyze qualitative and quantitatively and describe some failures identified in environmental licensing processes for wind projects. This study also aims to analyse the modus operandi of the energy sector companies related to the communities that live together with this kind of undertaking in a region known as an important center of biodiversity and endemism. The researched region contributes to the water supply of about one million people in the Brazilian semiarid region.




How to Cite

Barrero, F. M. C., Filho, J. A. de S., Freitas, H. R., & Marques, J. (2022). Wind Complexes Environmental Licensing in Bahia backwoods ridges, Brazilian Semiarid. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(2).