Educational technology to guide self-care for elderly patients at hospital discharge to the home: An integrative review


  • José Daniel Rodrigues dos Santos
  • Creusa Barbosa dos Santos Trindade
  • Valeria Regina Cavalcante dos Santos
  • Xaene Maria Fernandes Duarte Mendonça
  • Ellaine Valéria Araújo da Silva Lima
  • Brenda Laryssa Lima Gonçalves
  • Bianca Camila Neves Siqueira
  • Jacirene Vasconcelos de Albuquerque
  • Vitória Fernanda Valadares Coelho


Educational technology, Self-care, Elderly, Patient discharge


Objective: To identify in the scientific literature the educational technologies used in self-care guidance for elderly patients at home discharge. Method: An integrative literature review study, whose inclusion criteria were: articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, articles in full that portrayed the theme, published in the last five years and available online and free of charge in the databases of data: PubMed, Medline (National Library of Medicine) and LILACS (Latin American Literature in Health Sciences). Results: 12 publications were found, the analysis took place through analytical and interpretive readings and the educational technologies used were varied. Conclusion: It is noticed that the use of the booklet as an educational technology was the most used in the studies, and also, the limitation of the studies in directing and restricting the care orientation in only one specific approach for each clinical case presented by the patient.




How to Cite

dos Santos, J. D. R., Santos Trindade, C. B. dos, Cavalcante dos Santos, V. R., Duarte Mendonça, X. M. F., Silva Lima, E. V. A. da, Gonçalves, B. L. L., Siqueira, B. C. N., Albuquerque, J. V. de, & Valadares Coelho, V. F. (2022). Educational technology to guide self-care for elderly patients at hospital discharge to the home: An integrative review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(2).