Vegetative growth of radish in different organic substrates


  • Rérison Magno Borges Pimenta
  • Emicleiton Duarte de Abreu
  • Leidiane de Jesus Oliveira
  • Fabio Del Monte Cocozza
  • Cristiane Domingos da Paz
  • Rubens Silva Carvalho


Raphanus sativus, Vermicompost, Organic waste, Quixabeira tree


The present work had like objective to evaluate the effect of different organic substrates on the vegetative growth of radish cultivar Crimson Giant. It was utilized a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications . the substrates rated were T0 - washed sand + sawdust ; T1 - washed sand + sawdust + vermicompost ; T2 - washed sand + sawdust + 'Quixabeira soil '; T3 - washed sand + sawdust + cattle manure and T4 - washed sand + sawdust + broiler litter . were rated the plant height - AP (cm), fresh matter weight of the aerial part – MFA (g), dry matter weight of the aerial part - MSA (g), fresh matter weight of the root – MFR, dry matter weight of the root - MSR (g) and root diameter - DR (cm). observed that there were a significant effect of the treatments , in which the best vegetative growth was obtained in the T4 substrate.




How to Cite

Pimenta, R. M. B., Abreu, E. D. de, Oliveira, L. de J., Cocozza, F. D. M., Paz, C. D. da, & Carvalho, R. S. (2022). Vegetative growth of radish in different organic substrates. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(2).