A View of the Strategic Planning of Public Safety in the State of Rondônia from the view of Criminality and Social Vulnerability Indexes: A Micro and Mesoregional approach


  • Fabio Robson Casara Cavalcante
  • Carlos Alberto Paraguassú-Chaves
  • Lady Day Pereira de Souza
  • Ana Maria Morais da Fonseca Cavalcante
  • Fabrício Moraes de Almeida
  • Lenita Rodrigues Moreira Dantas
  • Carla Dolezel Trindade
  • Simão Aznar Filho
  • Ruy Drummont Smith
  • Simão Dolezel Aznar
  • Márcia Maria Rodrigues Uchôa
  • Marcélio Rodrigues Uchôa


Strategic planning, Crime, Vulnerability, Microregions


The issue of strategic planning for public security is recent in Brazil. Rondônia is no different. The question is whether the State's strategic planning includes approaches that characterize its mesos and micro-regions, from a reading brought by the construction of crime and social vulnerability indexes. Thus, the general objective of this research was to analyze the crime and social vulnerability indices of the municipalities of Rondônia, aggregating them in the micro and mesoregional perspective, in order to build a new vision for the strategic planning of public security at the state level. For this, the hypothetical-deductive method was adopted, as a line of reasoning. The methodology consisted of collecting data on secondary databases from official sources. Data were collected following the municipal logic aggregated by micro-regions of Rondônia. For the treatment of the data, the statistical tool SPSS, version 23, was used as an instrument to calculate the crime and social vulnerability indexes, based on the multifactorial analysis technique. It was possible to verify that the micro-regions of Porto Velho and Guajará-Mirim concentrated, on average, the highest rates of crime and social vulnerability, respectively. The two micro-regions highlighted, as already demonstrated, are inserted in the Madeira-Guaporé mesoregion. It is considered essential that public security strategic planning in Rondônia adopts meso and micro-regional technical criteria using quantitative and / or qualitative data subject to comparative analysis, like the one brought by the research, aiming to facilitate the decision making process in with regard to establishing different strategies to be taken in relation to the regions and their specificities that make them unique and specific, requiring different views for different scenarios.







How to Cite

Cavalcante, F. R. C., Paraguassú-Chaves, C. A., Souza, L. D. P. de, Fonseca Cavalcante, A. M. M. da, Almeida, F. M. de, Dantas, L. R. M., Trindade, C. D., Filho, S. A., Smith, R. D., Aznar, S. D., Uchôa, M. M. R., & Uchôa, M. R. (2022). A View of the Strategic Planning of Public Safety in the State of Rondônia from the view of Criminality and Social Vulnerability Indexes: A Micro and Mesoregional approach. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/4963