Technologies as Tools for Quality Management in Health Services


  • Luciana Martins Ribeiro
  • Pamela Nery do Lago
  • João Eduardo Pinho
  • Aline da Silva Fernandes
  • Marília Antônia de Paula
  • Carla de Oliveira Arcebispo
  • Marlene Simões e Silva
  • Vinícius Martins Machado
  • Juliana da Silva Mata
  • Ronaldo Antônio de Abreu Junior
  • Ana Paula Caetano Pereira
  • Andréia Elias da Cruz Nascimento
  • Natália Borges Pedralho
  • Adriana Von Sperling Viana
  • Chaiene Cristina de Figueiredo
  • Renata Castro Mendes
  • Carla Renata dos Santos
  • Bianca Cristina Silva Assis Santiago
  • Dayana Cristina Ferreira
  • Carolina Costa Pinto
  • Ronaldo Gomes Rodrigues
  • Raquel Resende Cabral de Castro e Silva
  • Renata Cristina Rocha Batista
  • Maria Emília Lúcio Duarte
  • Luna Flávia dos Santos
  • Maria Ivanilde de Andrade
  • Yasmin Cristine Sousa de Moraes
  • Fabiana Ribeiro da Silva Braga
  • Hirlla Karla de Amorim
  • Rita de Cássia Almeida Sales
  • Karla Patrícia Figueirôa Silva
  • Maria Virgínia Pires Miranda
  • Raiane Almeida Silva
  • Eliseu da Costa Campos
  • Tatiana Lamounier Silva
  • Gisela Pereira Xavier Albuquerque
  • Kelly Monte Santo Fontes
  • Diana Carla Ferrari
  • Lana Rose Cortez de Farias
  • Siomara Jesuina de Abreu Rodrigues
  • Paula Moraes Rezende
  • Jessé da Silva Alexandrino Júnior
  • Ítalo Freire Cantalice
  • Fernando Henrique da Silva Costa
  • Amanda Araújo Brandão
  • Eugênio Barros Bortoluzi
  • Pedro Henrique Santos Oliveira
  • Laura Helena Velasco Moreira
  • Ira Caroline de Carvalho Sipoli


Health, Quality, Technology


Since World War II, there has been a concern related to the quality standard of industrial production. Adapting to the reality of the health sector, it sought to improve the management of the quality of its services, aiming, in addition to satisfying its internal and external customers, the safety of its patients. The objective was to settle how technologies influence the quality management of the health sector today. Thus, this article presents as a methodology a bibliographic research in which a literature review of the last five years was carried out in scientific articles, analyzed in the months of November and December 2021, using the following descriptors: technology, health and quality. As a result, it can be seen that technologies are important allies of management in health services, providing patient safety, systematization, organization and agility in processes, reducing workload and reducing costs for the organization. However, it is essential that managers are attentive to develop training and adherence strategies for professionals responsible for feeding the computerized systems, in order to guarantee the quality of information and the achievement of the intended results.







How to Cite

Ribeiro, L. M., Lago, P. N. do, Pinho, J. E., Fernandes, A. da S., Paula, M. A. de, Arcebispo, C. de O., Silva, M. S. e, Machado, V. M., Mata, J. da S., Abreu Junior, R. A. de, Pereira, A. P. C., Nascimento, A. E. da C., Pedralho, N. B., Viana, A. V. S., Figueiredo, C. C. de, Mendes, R. C., Santos, C. R. dos, Assis Santiago, B. C. S., Ferreira, D. C., … Carvalho Sipoli, I. C. de. (2022). Technologies as Tools for Quality Management in Health Services. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(5).