Organizational Learning - The main factors that facilitate learning and the barriers from the perspective of managers


  • Julian Paulo Lagos Galdino
  • Sebastião Cavalcanti Neto
  • Alessandro Vinicios Schneider


This study seeks to identify and analyze the aspects that favor and those that hamper learning in the organization according to the perception of managers Coamo Cooperativa Agroindustrial unit of Paranaguá PR, analyzing how the learning process in an organization can be favored and what barriers can be found. Having as justification that through the understanding of the presented problem, it is possible to constitute a diagnosis of the organizational practices. With the necessary practices in the process of change and development of the organization bringing the proposal of the learning in order to improve the capacity of action of the individuals involved and of the organization as one all. It begins by contextualizing the objective of this study, presenting a review of the referential with the survey of the most relevant and pertinent aspects to the theme. Following, a description of the methodology adopted in this research carried out in the exploratory qualitative research modality, which contemplates a case study. The research was carried out at the Coamo Agroindustrial Cooperativa Unidade de Paranaguá in Paraná, with questionnaires applied to the members of the company. Because it is a study of a specific case, the research delimits the analysis in the experience of a working group within an organization, however it was possible to have the vision about learning, as it happens, which can facilitate or impair learning in an organization.







How to Cite

Galdino, J. P. L., Neto, S. C., & Schneider, A. V. (2019). Organizational Learning - The main factors that facilitate learning and the barriers from the perspective of managers. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6).