Aracoiaba Dam: Pollution factors and environmental degradation in the surrounding and Upstream Area


  • Maria Lenir Menezes Paz
  • Lívia Paulia Dias Ribeiro
  • Antônio Roberto Xavier
  • Francisco Nildo da Silva
  • andra Sely Silveira Maia e Silva


Aracoiaba Dam, Baturite massif, Pollution, environmental degradation


The late 1990s, the Aracoiabacity experienced a crisis of drinking water shortages, which required the construction of the Aracoiaba Dam, which began in 2000. This research aimed to verify the existence of pollution and degradation factors environment around and upstream of the Aracoiaba Dam, as well as the characteristics of its waters, and the impacts of pollution and environmental degradation on the sustainability and quality of the water in that dam. The investigation was developed according to a basic and exploratory nature, with a qualitative approach through a case study. Research confirms the existence of sewage points, which the city of Aracoiaba itself and other surrounding cities, discharge directly into the bed of the Aracoiaba River, impairing its quality, which was confirmed through changes in the quality of these waters, when compared with Brazilian legislation. It was also confirmed the existence of environmental degradation in the surroundings and upstream of this dam, which also corroborates to compromise the quality of these waters. The great social and economic importance of the Aracoiaba Dam imposes the need to adopt mitigating measures to remedy the problems encountered.







How to Cite

Paz, M. L. M., Ribeiro, L. P. D., Xavier, A. R., Silva, F. N. da, & Maia e Silva, andra S. S. (2022). Aracoiaba Dam: Pollution factors and environmental degradation in the surrounding and Upstream Area. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(6).