Old age, sexuality and self-knowledge as a tripod to Achieve Quality of life stimulated by health and education professionals: A theoretical-analytical Study


  • Wilder Kleber Fernandes de Santana
  • Richardson Lemos de Oliveira
  • Kylderi Lima dos Santos Domingos
  • Itaécio Felipe Silva
  • Daiane de Oliveira Campos da Veiga
  • João Batista Lucena
  • Luciana Quagliane Ribeiro
  • Priscila de Jesus Soares
  • Rosa Maria f. dos Santos Almeida
  • Laura Cristina de Oliveira
  • Isaac Neves de Lima
  • Gisele Maria de Sousa
  • Vanessa Paiva Marques Rodrigues


Old age, Sexuality, Quality of life


With the present study, we carried out an investigation into how sexuality is directly linked to the quality of life of the elderly, and how some elements, such as the body and pleasure, become essential for their self-esteem. In this sense, we intend to build a theoretical-analytical research on old age and sexuality in post-modernity, a period in which there is a considerable search for the use of medicines. Our position defends that old age is not synonymous with functional incapacity, but we understand that this elderly individual lives in a quest to rescue the right to a sexual life in old age, which reflects multiple forms of libidinal transformation. It also means understanding it in a broad sense, which goes through tenderness, through physical contacts that erogenize the body, such as the look, touch, voice, rediscovering the first forms of human love. The collected studies point to a direct conjunction between sexuality, sexual pleasure and the quality of life of the elderly.







How to Cite

de Santana, W. K. F., Oliveira, R. L. de, Santos Domingos, K. L. dos, Silva, I. F., Campos da Veiga, D. de O., Lucena, J. B., Ribeiro, L. Q., Soares, P. de J., Santos Almeida, R. M. f. dos, Oliveira, L. C. de, Lima, I. N. de, Sousa, G. M. de, & Rodrigues, V. P. M. (2022). Old age, sexuality and self-knowledge as a tripod to Achieve Quality of life stimulated by health and education professionals: A theoretical-analytical Study. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(8). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5414