Strategic Management and the use of Indicators by the Leaderships of a Public Hospital


  • Tatiana da Silva Mendes
  • Creusa Barbosa dos Santos Trindade
  • Silvia Ferreira Nunes
  • Heliana Helena Moura Nunes
  • Luciana Rodrigues Ferreira
  • Eliane Moura da Silva
  • Mariseth Carvalho de Andrade
  • Edilson Ferreira Calandrini
  • Fabiana Morbach da Silva
  • Valeria Regina Cavalcante dos Santos


Health management, indicators, strategic planning


Objective: to evaluate the impacts of the use of strategic indicators by the leaders of a public hospital. Method: This is an excerpt from the master's dissertation, entitled "strategic management and the use of indicators by the leaders of a public hospital: construction of a technological and sustainable instrument", presented in the Postgraduate Program in Management and Health in the Amazon of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará Foundation. Results: The study was systematized through statistical tools and analyzed from the inferences and categorizations of the questions based on the content analysis where it was applied to 70% of the leaders in the organization chart of a medium and high complexity hospital in the metropolitan region of Belém, responsible for the sectors included in the institutional organization chart. Conclusion: the study helps us to know the profile of the institution's leaders and with that, we have subsidies for the institution to invest in the development of people, according to the results presented.




How to Cite

Mendes, T. da S., Santos Trindade, C. B. dos, Nunes, S. F., Nunes, H. H. M., Ferreira, L. R., Silva, E. M. da, Andrade, M. C. de, Calandrini, E. F., Silva, F. M. da, & Cavalcante dos Santos, V. R. (2022). Strategic Management and the use of Indicators by the Leaderships of a Public Hospital. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).