Integration of Acupuncture as a Rehabilitation Model Applied in the Integral University Clinic of the State University of the Ecatepec Valley


  • Angèlica Castañeda Duarte
  • Miguel Alberto Gutiérrez Nava
  • Irma García Moreno
  • Ana Lilia González Santiago


Acupuncture, Rehabilitation, Chinese Medicine


Mexico is a country with deep-rooted uses and customs, mainly in health care, different practices have been carried out that have passed from generation to generation, within these practices are herbalism and the use of massage that today belong to the complementary medicine sector The Integral University Clinic represents a community service space, it has a care model conceptualized according to the profiles of each career to meet the needs in terms of health and social intervention of the population of the region of Ecatepec and the surrounding municipalities, offering a different care service where the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom are integrated. In this way, UNEVE fulfills its social commitment by linking the University with its environment in order to strengthen the role of the institution in society; promote resources for the solution of community problems; foster a sense of social responsibility among students and contribute to training for the professional performance of service provider students, so that it is understood as an academic activity and on the other hand, an awareness of solidarity with the society to which it is promoted is fostered. belongs. METHODOLOGY A retrospective, comparative review of the registry of consultations of the Integral University Clinic (CIU) corresponding to the period March-April 2014-2015 was carried out, in order to establish the importance of treatment with Rehabilitative Acupuncture, and that said model can be replicated by different health institutions in Mexico. OBJECTIVE. Analyze the epidemiological report prepared by the students, the data presented and interpret the data obtained, Integrate and analyze the variables based on the treatment and improvement of the applied treatments. RESULTS. In the Integral University Clinic (CIU), acupuncture, chiropractic and gerontology services are offered, every six months the students enter in order to carry out clinical practices in the month of September the students of the Lic Rehabilitative Human Acupuncture entered the area of Rehabilitation, from admission to November of the same year, 90 consultations were attended, of which, they were provided to people from 13 years old to more than 62 years old, we divided it by age group in decades, being patients 51 years old and older, those more attended the consultations followed by the group of 29 to 50 years, in terms of the sex of the users, we observed that women are the ones who most attended the acupuncture service in . . 27 first-time consultations were provided and 45 subsequent consultations were carried out, ranging from 2 to 10 subsequent sessions, 9 interconsultations were supported, and 9 reassessments were made. 78 patients are referred to have a disability process, we observed that the majority have visual impairment. We can observe that the most affected region corresponds to the lower and upper limbs, the most common injuries are in muscles and tendons. Regarding the pathologies, syndromic diagnoses were detected, as well as the relevant treatments, the improvement percentages range from 25% to 75% observing the effectiveness of the proposed treatments in an integral way. The data presented shows that acupuncture is a tool that should be used for rehabilitative and preventive purposes, so the profile of the Bachelor of Rehabilitative Human Acupuncture as a health professional developed at the State University of the Valley of Ecatepec meets the needs social health in osteomyoarticular injuries, providing comprehensive and decisive treatments generating improvements in 4 sessions. Therefore, it is suggested to generate care protocols based on Chinese medicine to provide care effectively and efficiently.




How to Cite

Duarte, A. C., Nava, M. A. G., Moreno, I. G., & Santiago, A. L. G. (2022). Integration of Acupuncture as a Rehabilitation Model Applied in the Integral University Clinic of the State University of the Ecatepec Valley. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).