Quality of Life of Diabetic patients with chronic wounds in Home Care


  • Allan Bruno Alves de Sousa Santos
  • Victória Maria Pontes Martins
  • Jessica Andrade Limeira
  • Saulo Leite de Paula
  • Vítor Diego de Pontes Simões
  • Jéssica Vieira Gomes dos Santos
  • Bruno Eduardo de Menezes Pequeno
  • João Miguel da Silva Sá
  • Nayla Carvalho Rocha
  • Karina de Souza Silva
  • Tais Gomes Rosestolato
  • Edvanïa do Nascimento Souza Santos
  • Kely Ferreira da Cruz da Silva
  • Amanda Gabriel Pimentel
  • Daniel Àvila Silva Monteiro
  • Andréia Santos de Carvalho Pinheiro
  • Wallace da Silva de Paula
  • Noenia Alves de Araújo
  • Railany de Oliveira Santana
  • Isabelly Raiane Silva dos Santos
  • Rafaela Oliveira Santana Pinheiro
  • Pamella Semiramys Silvestre da Silva
  • Maria Cintia Alves Costa
  • Maricélia Rubim da Silva
  • Paloma Leal Nobre
  • Rinária de Quadro Figueiredo Guedes
  • Marcos Tadeu de Sá Machado
  • Bárbara Pereira Gomes


Quality of life, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Wounds, Home Care


Chronic injuries are determining factors in the quality of life of diabetic patients, because besides causing physical weaknesses, they also affect the emotional and social aspects, providing the need to adapt to a new form of routine. The study aims to reflect about the relations between the presence of chronic lesions and the experience at home and to transcend a reflection related to family participation in the care of these patients. This is a study of the narrative literary review type, with a theoretical-reflexive aspect, of qualitative approach and exploratory bias, it was carried out through data obtained from the BDENF, LILACS via Virtual Health Library, and SciELO portal, using the descriptors combined with the Boolean operator And "Quality of life, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Wounds, Home Care". The following inclusion criteria were adopted for the studies in the search: articles published in scientific journals, books and book chapters, theses and dissertations in English, Spanish and Portuguese, related to the theme. Studies available in paid form were excluded. Fourteen studies were included. From the analysis, the following categories emerged: The presence of chronic injuries in diabetic patients in home care and its interference in their quality of life and the importance of the family in assisting diabetic patients with chronic wounds at home. Primary care through the family health strategy plays a key role, identifying diabetic patients with chronic wounds and susceptible to developing them, and thus, training their families and caregivers, always seeking to include family members in the care process, because it is proven that the family plays a key role in the implementation of care and health planning. Furthermore, the health education offered by family members and caregivers is little documented in the literature. In this perception, a need emerges for a greater number of scientific productions that focus on family action and home care, thus evidencing the importance of these publics.




How to Cite

Sousa Santos, A. B. A. de, Martins, V. M. P., Limeira, J. A., Paula, S. L. de, Simões, V. D. de P., dos Santos, J. V. G., Menezes Pequeno, B. E. de, Silva Sá, J. M. da, Rocha, N. C., Silva, K. de S., Rosestolato, T. G., Souza Santos, E. do N., da Silva, K. F. da C., Pimentel, A. G., Monteiro, D. Àvila S., Carvalho Pinheiro, A. S. de, Paula, W. da S. de, Araújo, N. A. de, Santana, R. de O., … Gomes, B. P. (2022). Quality of Life of Diabetic patients with chronic wounds in Home Care. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5494