The Challenges of Interdisciplinarity in Graduate Graduation


  • Luciana Souza de Oliveira
  • Lucia Marisy Souza Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Júlio Jose Torres dos Santos
  • Andrea Araújo de Aquino
  • Andrea Reis de Souza Ribeiro
  • Valmir Nogueira de Souza


Interdisciplinarity, traditionality, content integration, postgraduate studies


This article aims to raise discussions about interdisciplinarity, particularly in teacher education, in order to present a critical view of the need to develop interdisciplinary actions present in theoretical references and in official normative documents consulted that dialogue with the topic today. Through a bibliographic review, the importance of interdisciplinary training for teachers was brought to light, with the aim of deepening the different types of knowledge in higher education, more specifically in postgraduate courses in public universities, based on the assumption that interdisciplinarity is a concept under construction. The analytical approach of the information collected was qualitative and content analysis was used to interpret the speeches.




How to Cite

Oliveira, L. S. de, Ribeiro de Oliveira, L. M. S., Santos, J. J. T. dos, Aquino, A. A. de, Ribeiro, A. R. de S., & Souza, V. N. de. (2022). The Challenges of Interdisciplinarity in Graduate Graduation. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(9).