The assistance provided by the nurse to the patient with the onset of preeclampsia and preeclampsia: Literature review
Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Nursing careAbstract
Family Health Strategies (ESFs) play an important role in nursing and aim to expand, define and consolidate primary health care. The nurse must integrate the FHS team and work continuously in the chronic disease control program. The objective of this study was to describe the role of nurses in the care of patients with diabetes and arterial hypertension in primary care. The method was a narrative review of the literature with an exploratory, observational and retrospective research approach, searching for 20 articles in the literature between 2010 and 2020. RESULTS: When evaluating the nursing effects cited by nurses, nursing was predominant in relation to food and humidity, followed by glycemic control, blood pressure and breastfeeding weight. On the other hand, the nursing process is a technology that can humanize care in a systematic and dynamic way, with positive and low-cost results. It was concluded that the role of the nurse as an educator is fundamental for both the patient and the family, and must follow their guidelines to understand and be aware of the importance of treatment and activities to improve quality of life.