The use of sodium bicarbonate solution in the treatment of respiratory syndromes in COVID-19 in pediatric patients in Tarauacá, Acre


  • Helen Gadelha
  • Ana Karolina Santana
  • Maria da Conceição Silva da Silva
  • Úrsula Mendonça Prado
  • Thiago Cordeiro Dantas
  • Darla Lourenço Borges
  • Laura Elisa Pontes Soares
  • Deiver Jerônimo Saraiva
  • Beatriz Bispo do Carmo
  • Cirley Maria de Oliveira Lobato
  • Rita de Cássia Ribeiro Pereira
  • Angélica Bento de Almeida
  • Luciano Patrocínio dos Reis
  • Cydia de Menezes Furtado
  • Carolina Pontes Soares


COVID-19, Pediatrics, Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Nebulization


Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the use of sodium bicarbonate solution as an adjunct in the treatment of pediatric patients with moderate symptoms through nebulization. Methods: Two matched groups were followed, of which 2 received treatment with sodium bicarbonate solution along with conventional treatment and 2 patients used saline solution plus conventional treatment. Results: Pulmonary auscultation was better in snoring and crackles in patients treated with sodium bicarbonate solution compared to patients treated with saline. Radiological findings, decreased opacity and bilateral consolidations, as well as reduced length of hospital stay (increase) were observed in patients treated with sodium bicarbonate solution. Conclusion: The use of sodium bicarbonate solution as an adjunct in the treatment of COVID-19 improved the prognosis compared to conventional treatment in pediatric patients.




How to Cite

Gadelha, H., Santana, A. K., da Silva, M. da C. S., Prado, Úrsula M., Dantas, T. C., Borges, D. L., Soares, L. E. P., Saraiva, D. J., Carmo, B. B. do, Lobato, C. M. de O., Pereira, R. de C. R., Almeida, A. B. de, Reis, L. P. dos, Furtado, C. de M., & Soares, C. P. (2022). The use of sodium bicarbonate solution in the treatment of respiratory syndromes in COVID-19 in pediatric patients in Tarauacá, Acre. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(10).