Monitoring Employers of the Degree in Human and Rehabilitation Acupuncture in the Labor Market


  • Osorio Medrano Iris Anaisbeth
  • Castañeda Duarte Angélica
  • López Espinosa Emma
  • García Piceno Yolanda
  • Eduardo Salazar Ledesma


Rehabilitation, therapeutic clinical medical model, Digitopuncture, Auriculotherapy, Herbalist


Acupuncture is a therapeutic clinical medical model, a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in which filiform metal needles are used on the surface of the body to balance, prevent, recover and rehabilitate the individual according to NOM - 017 - SSA3 - 2012. In In recent years, in addition to unemployment, a series of distortions have appeared in the labor market for professionals. This work seeks to contribute to the analysis of said market using data from a survey of graduates and employers of said graduates, from a state public university in Mexico. From them, an indicator of relevance in the labor market is designed. The results show that a significant proportion of professionals work in inadequate conditions and that there is great heterogeneity in terms of the situation of said market . OBJECTIVE: To advance in the study of this dimension of relevance by analyzing the labor market for professionals through the integration of a series of characteristics, which in the previously reviewed studies were reflected separately, so that a more complete knowledge of how professionals are inserted into said market and the opinion of their employers, using data from a survey of graduates and employers. METHODOLOGY. Job placement surveys: carried out within the second and fifth year after graduation, designed to characterize the process of job placement, completion of studies and institutional satisfaction. RESULTS A survey was conducted of 15 employers of graduates of the Human and Rehabilitative Acupuncture degree, from the centers that have been hiring LAHR graduates for 10 years, while the response recently refers to a hiring period of less than one year. Our surveyed employers take 95% of academic preparation as a fundamental part of hiring a LAHR graduate. Employers need graduates to have theoretical and practical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, followed by knowledge of physical means focused on rehabilitation. Conclusions: According to the respondents, we observed the great need to have an agenda for the graduate clinics, to have a greater number of samples and standardize the suggestions.




How to Cite

Anaisbeth, O. M. I., Angélica, C. D., Emma, L. E., Yolanda, G. P., & Ledesma, E. S. (2022). Monitoring Employers of the Degree in Human and Rehabilitation Acupuncture in the Labor Market. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).