Organomineral fertilization in eucalypt plantations


  • Bruno Oliveira Lafetá
  • Vitor Augusto Cordeiro Milagres


organic matter, nutrients, productivity, splitting fertilization


Organomineral fertilization is a sustainable alternative to the use of mineral fertilizers in forest plantations, promoting stands establishment of high volumetric productivity. This work aimed to evaluate volumetric production of eucalypt under different organomineral fertilization regimes. Four fertilization regimes were tested: three treatments with use of organomineral fertilizers and one with mineral fertilizers. Continuous forest inventory was conducted from 12 to 72 months. Three permanent plots were established for each fertilization regime, totaling 12 sample units. Growth in height, basal area and volume differed between fertilization regimens over age. Treatment that provided the best development in first years of cultivation was not necessarily the one with higher volume production. Biometric estimates were higher with application of organomineral fertilizers. Volumes at 72 months of these treatments ranged from 180 to 192 m3 ha-1. Organomineral fertilization of plantation and cover is an efficient sustainable alternative to obtain high yields in eucalypt crops. Application of only one organomineral cover fertilization favors volumetric production of the clone and reduces interventions in cultivation area.




How to Cite

Lafetá, B. O., & Milagres, V. A. C. (2022). Organomineral fertilization in eucalypt plantations. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).