Assessment of the Health Territorialization Process: Family Health Strategy Team in Marabá-PA


  • Francimar Neto de Almeida Lopes
  • Kecyani Lima dos Reis
  • Márcia Núbia Amorim Cardoso
  • Maria Camila Amorim Carvalho
  • Paula Hernandes Gomes


Territorialization, Family Health Strategy, Primary Health Care


Introduction: In Brazil, territorialization has been used in public policies through different public instruments that promote social improvement or protection. These territorialized policies seek articulation between the various national, state and municipal spheres, with specific programs and actions built on territorial bases, the main example being the SUS. The ESF acts as a new basis for intersectoral articulations, due to the greater proximity of professionals with the population and the interactions in the territory covered, allowing the verification of problems that affect the health-disease process. Objective: To evaluate the territorialization of the population that make up the microregions that is covered by Family Health Strategy Teams in the municipality of Marabá-PA. Methodology: This is a descriptive, analytical study with a quantitative approach of the situational health reports of the Family Health Strategy teams in the municipality of Marabá-PA. Results and Discussion: In 2022, so far, it has a coverage of 36%, so we can say that the primary care of the municipality is undergoing a transition process, due to this, the ascription of the population is also evolving. Currently, the city of Marabá-PA is made up of 24 Health Units, 14 in the urban area and 10 in the rural area. Conclusion: The process of territorialization in this health team is hampered by the transition of health systems, making it difficult to create the profile of the enrolled population. In addition, the data evaluated demonstrated the importance of the presence of primary health care in order to achieve the universal coverage that the SUS advocates, improving health indicators.




How to Cite

Almeida Lopes, F. N. de, Reis, K. L. dos, Cardoso, M. N. A., Carvalho, M. C. A., & Gomes, P. H. (2022). Assessment of the Health Territorialization Process: Family Health Strategy Team in Marabá-PA. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(11).