The Resettlement Process of Families in the Old Açaizal Neighborhood from the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Project in Altamira-Pa


  • Lair da Silva Freitas Filho
  • Bruno Henrique Feitosa


collective urban resettlement, segregation, Norte Energia, Bairro Açaizal


The work discussed below discusses the issue of resettlement of families from the old Bairro Açaizal in Altamira, Pará, an area impacted by the Belo Monte Hydroelectric project. The central objective of the research was to understand the new socio-spatial dynamics of families relocated and compensated in the Açaizal neighborhood, for resettlements made available by Norte Energia, called "RUC'S" (Collective Urban Resettlements). Quantitative surveys, reports and technical maps of their own authorship were used, as well as technical documents made available by Norte Energia. - urban structure, bearing in mind that part of this historic district suffered seasonal flooding, where hundreds of residences were entirely on stilts. Today, these families are living in houses with sanitation and basic social services, initially assisted by Norte Energia and later by the municipal government, but divergences and failures were observed in these mandatory services, reported in the “conditions” (mandatory actions to be carried out before during and after the Belo Monte hydroelectric project).




How to Cite

Filho, L. da S. F., & Feitosa, B. H. (2022). The Resettlement Process of Families in the Old Açaizal Neighborhood from the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Project in Altamira-Pa. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).