The Conflict between Development And Environment Preservation from the Perspective of Celso Furtado and Ana Maria Nusdeo


  • Victor da Silva Costa


Environmental Law, economy, development, Justice


The development model practiced in Brazil is a reflection of the impositions made by the market economy and has been intensified over time by the high consumption of modern life. In this sense, the present study seeks to analyze development from the perspective of Celso Furtado and Ana Maria Nusdeo, and also to rationalize whether this development model that is applied today in Brazil is harmful to the environment. Therefore, an analysis of the current paradigm of environmental justice will be carried out.




How to Cite

Costa, V. da S. (2022). The Conflict between Development And Environment Preservation from the Perspective of Celso Furtado and Ana Maria Nusdeo. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).