Emotional intelligence as an instrument to control occupational stress and Burnout Syndrome


  • Antônia Gomes de Olinda
  • Michelly Angelina Lazzari da Silva
  • Daniel da Silva Costa Lazzari
  • Marlene Simões e Silva
  • Pamela Nery do Lago
  • Mariana Regina Pinto Pereira
  • Simone Aparecida de Souza Freitas
  • Priscila de Oliveira Martins
  • Raquel Resende Cabral de Castro e Silva
  • Flávia de Oliveira Freitas
  • Elmira Valéria Carvalho Amorim
  • Aline Helen Alves de Oliveira Guimarães Leite
  • Karine Alkmim Durães
  • Karine Letícia de Araújo Costa
  • Dayana Cristina Ferreira
  • Maíra Amaral Silveira Gomes Ferreira
  • Luzia Maria dos Santos
  • Márcia Marques dos Santos
  • Chaiene Cristina de Figueiredo
  • Iara Alves de Sousa
  • Andreia Aparecida Martins de Carvalho
  • Siomara Jesuina de Abreu Rodrigues
  • Tarcísio Silva Borborema
  • Tamara Olímpio Prado
  • Daniela de Sousa Azeredo
  • Tami Silva Nunes
  • Rafaela Bezerra Gama Guimarães
  • Marília Prata Oliveira
  • Adriana de Cristo Sousa
  • Camilla Greyce Santos Silva Fontes
  • Kelly Monte Santo Fontes
  • Marcelo Dangllys Duarte Fernandes
  • Ilze Mariane Oliveira Matos
  • Ana Paula Ferreira Marques de Araújo
  • Kiwisunny Galvão Franzoi
  • Juliane Guerra Golfetto
  • Darlan dos Santos Damásio Silva
  • Anderson Fernandes da Silva
  • Edmilson Escalante Barboza
  • Liane Medeiros Kanashiro
  • Tatiana Alves Costa
  • Cristiani Mellendes Oliveira
  • Maria Ivanilde de Andrade
  • Samanntha Lara da Silva Torres Anaisse
  • Tatiana Lamounier Silva
  • Eliseu da Costa Campos
  • Alanna Drumond Terri Oliveira
  • Paulene Simões Gonçalves
  • Joana D’Arc Alves Soares
  • Andrea Molina Lima Avelino
  • Amanda Silva Bacelar
  • Cristiane Carla Correia Nogueira
  • Letícia de Oliveira Rocha
  • Fabiana Ribeiro Silva
  • Cristiane Marta Ramalho


Mental health, Physical exhaustion, Worker's health


Burnout Syndrome consists of a disease, also known as professional burnout syndrome, characterized by a process based on emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional achievement, defined as a chronic psychological phenomenon that occurs in people whose work involves relationships of intense attention and common to people who need assistance and care. The objective was to demonstrate the importance of emotional intelligence as a means of preventing Burnout Syndrome. Methodologically, this is a bibliographical, descriptive and exploratory review of works published between 2015 and 2022, through consultations of scientific articles in the Virtual Health Library network, carried out between July and October 2022. It is possible to verify that we live in an immediatist era, which has been directly reflected in professional practice, mainly among people who occupy leadership positions, and may contribute to the compromise of the mental health of such professionals. It is essential for workers to reflect until what moment it is worth dedicating all their time to their professional life, in this sense, the need for a skill called self-management is latent, which can contribute significantly to improving the quality of life of workers. It was concluded that the main problems arising from mental exhaustion can cause irreversible harm to an individual's health, therefore, the appearance of the syndrome must be avoided from the first signs and symptoms; the most successful professionals are not necessarily those with the highest intelligence, but those with better emotional control, which means they have greater emotional intelligence. The ability of professional self-management is interpreted as breaking the alienation of work by emphasizing that overcoming the division of intellectual and manual labor is the basis for sustaining a society divided into classes and an oppressive structure.




How to Cite

Olinda, A. G. de, Lazzari da Silva, M. A., Lazzari, D. da S. C., Silva, M. S. e, Lago, P. N. do, Pereira, M. R. P., Souza Freitas, S. A. de, Martins, P. de O., de Castro e Silva, R. R. C., Freitas, F. de O., Amorim, E. V. C., Oliveira Guimarães Leite, A. H. A. de, Durães, K. A., Araújo Costa, K. L. de, Ferreira, D. C., Gomes Ferreira, M. A. S., Santos, L. M. dos, Santos, M. M. dos, Figueiredo, C. C. de, … Ramalho, C. M. (2022). Emotional intelligence as an instrument to control occupational stress and Burnout Syndrome. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/5869