Care Management in Family Health Strategies from the Perspective of the Nursing Professional: Literature Review


  • Aline Ouriques de Gouveia
  • Julyany Rocha Barrozo de Souza
  • Kátia Cilene Lisboa Farias
  • Flávia Nunes Vieira
  • Herundino Neto Moura Moreira
  • Victor Matheus Silva Maues
  • Amanda Ouriques de Gouveia
  • Karen Silva de Castro
  • Michele Pinheiro Ferreira
  • Valéria Regina Cavalcante dos Santos


Nursing, Family health strategy, Health management


Objective: To elaborate a literature review to learn about the understanding and practice of nurses working in the ESFs regarding health care management. Methodology: This is a qualitative research, with an exploratory character, of the literature review type, with an approach divided into the stages of elaboration of the theme, definition of criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies, indexing of descriptors in databases such as SciELO, BVS and PubMed, critical analysis and categorization of the literature in the time frame 2019 to 2022. Results: 10 articles were selected that showed that the professional nurse throughout his trajectory has been rediscovering his role through the performance in Primary Health Care, especially, for assistance in the Family Health Strategy, by creating and recreating nursing care in public health, ensuring the promotion, prevention and recovery of collective and individual well-being. Conclusion: It is emphasized that it is important for the professional nurse to understand that managing care in the strategy is to articulate care activities to have a care plan for each user of the services, guided by the policies recommended by the Ministry of Health.




How to Cite

Gouveia, A. O. de, de Souza, J. R. B., Farias, K. C. L., Vieira, F. N., Moreira, H. N. M., Maues, V. M. S., Gouveia, A. O. de, Castro, K. S. de, Ferreira, M. P., & Cavalcante dos Santos, V. R. (2023). Care Management in Family Health Strategies from the Perspective of the Nursing Professional: Literature Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 9(12).