Quality Acai Marketed Pulp Microbiological in Municipality of Victory Conquer BA


  • Carlos Henrique Bittencourt Ferreira
  • Marcelo José Costa Lima Espinheira
  • Iaggo Raphael David
  • Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte
  • Beatriz Rocha Sousa
  • Flavio Mendes de Souza


The growing demand for improved eating habits and quality of life, has been generating an increase in the consumption of foods with a high nutritional value, such as açaí pulp, which has been gaining in the market both for its nutritional value and for the tasty characteristic. However, because it is a food that the entire production chain is manipulated, it can be a risk to the health of the population that consumes it, due to the easy degradation of the product and its easy microbial contamination. The present work aims to analyze the microbiology quality of three brands that circulate in the region of Vitoria da Conquista - BA. The results were compared according to DRC No. 12 of 2001, ANVISA. Of the 27 samples analyzed, total coliforms were counted, Escherichia coli, being found in two marks nonconformities according to the current legislation and the contamination by Salmonella spp. was absent in all samples. It is concluded that the commercialized samples are mostly unsatisfactory hygienic-sanitary conditions, probably due to failures during the processing and handling of the product.







How to Cite

Ferreira, C. H. B., Espinheira, M. J. C. L., David, I. R., Duarte, S. F. P., Sousa, B. R., & Souza, F. M. de. (2019). Quality Acai Marketed Pulp Microbiological in Municipality of Victory Conquer BA. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/682