Determination of Dipirone 500 mg by Spectrophotometry of Molecular Absorption - UV, Marketed in Drugs


  • Priscilla Cambuí Ribeiro
  • Anne Karolline Ferreira Santos
  • Vinícius Narciso Santos
  • Beatriz Rocha Sousa
  • Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte
  • Iaggo Raphael David
  • Caio Matheus da Rocha Couqueiro Monteiro


Sodium dipyrone undergoes the biotransformation effect, in order to achieve activation in higher potency, producing metabolites and consequently improving the absorption and action of this drug. It presents analgesic and antipyretic action in vivo, designed to act with antiplasmóticas and anti-inflammatory properties, being very used for simple pains to the chronic pains. The study analyzed the content of the concentration of dipyrone tablets marketed in drugstores in the city of Vitória da Conquista - BA, in which it used the UV absorption spectrophotometry method in 500 mg samples of reference brands, generic and similar. The results obtained in the analysis had an average concentration content for generic drugs 95.93%, similar 91.17% and reference 92.92%. According to the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia the values must be between 95% and 105% to be able to attend pharmacotherapy. Therefore, the drug of the generic class was fit for consumption, since its concentration meets the standards of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.







How to Cite

Ribeiro, P. C., Santos, A. K. F., Santos, V. N., Sousa, B. R., Duarte, S. F. P., David, I. R., & Monteiro, C. M. da R. C. (2019). Determination of Dipirone 500 mg by Spectrophotometry of Molecular Absorption - UV, Marketed in Drugs. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6).