A Bibliometric Study about Internet of Things


  • Danilo Alves do Nascimento
  • Alexandre Rabêlo Neto
  • Eulálio Gomes Campelo Filho
  • José Aprígio Carneiro Neto
  • Alan Kilson Ribeiro Araújo
  • Kelly Lima Fonseca Gonçalves
  • Fábio de Araújo Leite


The objective of this study was to map the scientific production on the Internet of Things (IoT), through a bibliometric analysis.The methodological procedures were delineated by a quantitative approach, the research involved data taken from the scientific database of the Web of Science.The keyword "internet of things" was used for the searches in said database, within a period of 09 years, between the period from 2010 to 2018.In the searches 2,446 publications related to the topic were identified, an average of 271.7 articles published per year.The year with the highest number of publications was the year 2018, with 932 publications.The author with the largest number of publications was the Chinese researcher Zhang Y, of Jiangnan University, School of Internet of Thing Engineering, with 21 articles published.As for the article's publication areas, the ones that stood out the most were the following: Telecommunications, Computer Science Information Systems and Engineering Electrical Electronic, with 1,002; 940; and 811 published articles respectively.Among the journals, the ones that had the largest number of publications were: the IEEE Access and the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, both with 157 publications.Regarding the educational institutions, the highlights with regard to the number of articles published, were to the institutions: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University of Posts Telecommunications and King Saud University.The country with the largest number of publications in the area was China, with 783 publications.It should be noted that most of the publications were written in English, with a total of 2,402 publications in English.







How to Cite

Nascimento, D. A. do, Neto, A. R., Filho, E. G. C., Neto, J. A. C., Araújo, A. K. R., Gonçalves, K. L. F., & Leite, F. de A. (2019). A Bibliometric Study about Internet of Things. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/913