Origin and Distribution of the Lumbosacral Plexusin Sus scrofa (Mammalia:Suidae)


  • Lázaro Antônio dos Santos
  • Lorena Tannus Menezes
  • Lucas Assis Ribeiro
  • Frederico Ozanam Carneiro e Silva
  • Frederico Balbino Lizardo
  • Zenon Silva
  • Roseâmely Angélica de Carvalho Barros
  • Daniela Cristina de Oliveira Silva


The aim of the present study was describe the origin and distribution of the lumbosacral plexus of Sus scrofa. Thirty specimenswere fixed in 10% formalin solution and prepared according to the macroscopic dissection procedures.TheSus scrofa presented five (40%) or six (60%) lumbar vertebrae and the plexus was derived from L2 to S4 spinal nerves.Eight nerves were originated from the plexus and distributed to the pelvic limb: (1) lateral femoral cutaneous, from L2-L4, branched in the psoas minor, psoas major and internal abdominal oblique muscles; (2) femoral, from L3-L6, supplied the psoas major, psoas minor, iliacus, pectineus and quadriceps femorismuscles; emitted the saphenous nerve that innervates the sartorius muscle; (3) obturator, from L3-L6, distributed to the gracilis, obturator externus, pectineus and adductor muscles; (4) cranial gluteal, from L4-S1,branched the middle gluteal and piriformis muscles; (5) caudal gluteal, from L6-S2, supplied the superficial gluteal muscle; (6) sciatic, from L4-S2, innervated the tensor fasciae latae, middle, accessory and deep gluteal, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, piriformis, gemelli and quadratus femoris muscles; emitted the (a) tibial nerve, that innervates the caudal muscles of the leg and divided into medial and lateral plantar nerves, terminating as plantar digital nerves; (b) common fibular nerve, divided into superficial and deep fibular nerves, that supplied the cranial and lateral muscles of the leg, terminating as dorsal digital nerves; (7) pudendal, from S2-S4, distributed to perineal muscles; emitted the dorsal nerves of clitoris and penis; (8) caudal rectal, from S2-S4, branched to perineal muscles.







How to Cite

Santos, L. A. dos, Menezes, L. T., Ribeiro, L. A., Silva, F. O. C. e, Lizardo, F. B., Silva, Z., Barros, R. A. de C., & Silva, D. C. de O. (2019). Origin and Distribution of the Lumbosacral Plexusin Sus scrofa (Mammalia:Suidae). International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(3). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/962